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Powder Springs Youth Baseball

News Detail


Oct, 2023


Hello PSYB Families,

We hope you all had a great Fall break from school and baseball with your families. Now it's time to get back to baseball for the last half of the Fall 2023 season.

We'd like to say thank you for those who made it out to the PSYB night at the North Georgia State Fair last Thursday evening. We had a great turnout for this first-time event with our families. And we hope you all made some amazing Fair memories together. 

Here are a few park updates that will take us to the homestretch of the Fall 2023 season. 

-This week is back to baseball starting tonight 10/2 with games starting at 5:30pm. Also, beginning this week for the teams/players who purchased the pink socks for October Pink Sock month your teams/players can start wearing those. If you still want to purchase your pair of pink socks, you can go to the concession stand. Cost is $10 per pair and sizes that are still available are extra-small, medium, and large. 

-The BEST OF COBB 2024 nominating is still going on throughout this month until 10/27. You can nominate PSYB daily at the link below Go to Kids & Education then all the way to the bottom under Youth Sports Organizations, type in Powder Springs Youth Baseball and your email.

-This Saturday night 10/7 @ 7pm is our Fun Family Movie Night at PSYB. Come out and enjoy a movie on field 5 with your friends and family. We will be serving FREE hot chocolate; popcorn and you will be able to purchase food from our concession stand. The movie starts at dusk, we hope to see you there. 

-PSYB Fall Festival is coming back!  Next Thursday night October 12th. More details to come for this event so stay tuned… 

-Finally Fall 2023 Playoffs for Shetland through our Bronco age groups will begin the week of October 16th. Playoff schedules will be posted the week prior, and end of the season awards and trophies will be handed out at the end of the playoff games.

We are looking forward to a lot more baseball games during the next few weeks of October and our 2 final Fall events with our PSYB families. If you have any questions, please email us at [email protected]

Don’t forget to follow us on social media Facebook and Instagram. And always check our website for the latest information. 
@official_psyb- Instagram  
Facebook Powder Springs Youth Baseball Organization 

See you at the SPRINGS.

Contact Us


4000 Lewis Rd Extension 
Powder Springs, Georgia 30127

Email: [email protected]


4000 Lewis Rd Extension 
Powder Springs, Georgia 30127

Email: [email protected]
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