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Powder Springs Youth Baseball



Updated Spring 2023


•                      The home team will line the fields and put out bases. Bases are located in the field house.

•                      The home team is responsible for the official score book.

•                      The visiting team will be responsible for providing a volunteer to man the scoreboard /controller.

•                      The last visiting team will replace all bases and associated field equipment including but not limited to wheelbarrows, rakes, drags, line  markers and s
                 scoreboard controller.  

•                      Each team is responsible for cleaning up their dugout and stands after each game.

•                      Only one manager and three coaches will be allowed in the dugout during the game.  (Parents and siblings are not allowed.)

•                      Every player must be in full uniform including team hat and team shirt tucked in.

•                      Their league director must first approve any team rules used by managers.

•                      Managers shall have the responsibility for the conduct of their players, coaches, parents and fans.

•                      Only players on team roster may play during game – NO EXCEPTIONS

•                      Any game called for bad weather after three (3) complete innings will be considered a complete game. 

•                      In league play all ground rules must be given on paper to the visiting manager and coach.  Only those rules will be honored.

•                      Any player who arrives late must be added at the end of the batting order.  They will not be considered an out if they are skipped until they arrive. 
                 If they are in the middle of the line-up and not present it will be an out.  He does not have to play the field before he/she bats.  

•                      Tennis shoes or baseball shoes with rubberized cleats may be worn. NO METAL OR PLASTIC CLEATS if player is 12 years or younger.
                No metal cleats on the pitchers mounds.

•                      Any player who leaves a game due to illness or injury will not be considered an out.  Once skipped in order they may not re-enter game.

•                      Tobacco, alcohol and abusive language will not be allowed during games or practice.  Tobacco use is also discouraged around the dugouts
                 during games and practice times.

•                      Teams using the game fields for practice prior to scheduled games cannot use the infield.

•                      Catchers will be required to wear a catcher’s mask and helmet whenever warming up a pitcher and are always required to wear a  protective cup.

•                      Do not put chalk on the outfield lines.  Paint must be used.

•                      Brick dust should only be used on the infield; sand can be used in the outfield and grass areas.

•                      Batting Team is responsible for retrieving foul balls

•                      Game balls are located in the concession stand. The umpires will provide two (2) game balls with P/S logo at the start of game.   

•                      Order of Rules

                 PSYB park rules and bylaws

                  Dizzy Dean Baseball Rulebook                   Official MLB Baseball Rules

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4000 Lewis Rd Extension 
Powder Springs, Georgia 30127

Email: [email protected]


4000 Lewis Rd Extension 
Powder Springs, Georgia 30127

Email: [email protected]
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